Michael Li

Rosemead, CA 91770 · (626) 551-7781 · limichael@csu.fullerton.edu

Software Engineer


California State University of Fullerton

Bachelor of Science
Computer Science

GPA: 3.3

August 2015 - May 2020


Programming Languages

Operating Systems


Rat18F Compiler

Collaborated with 2 other team members to create a compiler with the incorporation of C++, a Finite State Machines, a Predictive Recursive Descent Parser, and Symbol Table Handling


Food Photos Website built on the Laravel, PHP framework, complete with a like, comment, follow, and posting system

Reddit-Clone API

API, built on Python and Flask, that has a Posting and Liking System

Keyboard Warriors

C++ typing test console application created through the use of layered architecture, protected variations, and mocks

Super Mario Bros

Platformer Super Marios Replica built on pygame

Related Courses

Algorithm Engineering File Structures & Database System
Web Front-End Engineering Foundations of Software Engineering
Web Back End Engineering Software Architecture


Aside from programming, I like to indulge myself in watching the NBA during basketball season. Stephen Curry would be my most admired player. He's not the tallest, fastest, strongest, or the most athletic, so he dominates the game through his exuberant skills and makes it look extremely exhilarating.

I'm also an avid Movie watcher with UnCut Gems being my favorite film.

I am also particularly interested in politics and it's ability to shape my life and everything elses'. I hope to one day become more than just a participant and to actively better the living condition of everyday Americans.